[EN] Publishing Know How (legacy)
- r [EN] Find and download ICC color profile
- [EN] Profile variants and versions (legacy)
- n [EN] Transparency blending & transparency blending color spaces (legacy)
- [EN] Syntax problem: Name object with lenght of 0 byte (legacy)
- [EN] Wrong or missing output intention (legacy)
- [EN] Error with the bleedbox or trimbox (legacy)
- [EN] Use of Object compression (legacy)
- [EN] Use of the color "RGB" (legacy)
- [EN] Total Area Coverage (TAC) (legacy)
- [EN] Install profile (legacy)
- [EN] Trim and bleed box problems (QuarkXPress) (legacy)
- [EN] Document contains „actions“ (legacy)
- [EN] File format is not according to the conventions of the DUON-Portal (GTS-Tag is missing, no PDF/X) (legacy)
- [EN] Trapping key is neither „true“ nor „false“ (legacy)
- [EN] How to use registered colors (legacy)